Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Hey wiseguy...!

...Yeah well your momma is so fat, she died whilst having a gastric. Now can we please put an end to all this and just be cordial to each other?

Is your shit perfect?

I did a gig tonight. I did a gig I'm a fan of at XS Malarkey. I was introduced as experimental, which was quite the compliment even though immediately people will be edgy (see it?)  about seeing the special kid, but I don't mind at all starting on the back foot, it's my preferred start. There was laughter, and a lot of silence. I'm not scared of silence; I originally thought I was a while back, but that was just tinnitus pain dressed as silence - that's thankfully not been a problem of late. I'm also okay with dying, as in really dying; so dying on stage isn't an issue when you've been around the stench of death so frequently.

Thank you comedy displacement.

The energy between crying and laughing is so fine that does it make any odds to how you exit that tense knot welling inside? I guess that's why I love hysteria so much - such a borderline emotion, and quite the ride. 

I know I've flippantly discussed death before and my reasoning for not fearing it, but really, now really, do you seriously think you're going to be spending much time worrying about life in death? No because you won't be able to  - and you think I'm the morbid one?

Why did Nick Griffin banish his goth son? Cos he liked wearing all blacks. 

I've been on stage 3 times in a week, it's been the only time I haven't felt ACTUAL pain, emotional pain doesn't even figure. It's been an odd relief to get that high. Thank god for comedy in these difficult times.  

That's my analysis over. My last solo stand up gig of the year is next Tuesday. Then I'm going to have a break, get well, write more, and launch into the physical wonderment of 'Sheeebeast Vs The Masked McGee' for several slots before Christmas and into the New Year. I can only try and polish one turd at a time.

Heard the one about Gillian McKeith's split from her rapper boyfriend? He dumped her cos she wouldn't quit analysing his shit.

It's a good job when you don't take yourself seriously. 

Adios Beads x

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